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My Journey


My name is Tonino and I love the peace, the harmony, the smiles and the serenity ... this is the world I want to live in!

I know that in order to receive something you have to give something ... and I decided to give my energy, my time and my skills as a technician for this dream.

To understand the impact of my work, please put a big smile on your face, a deep smile that you can feel in your heart ... and now try to say something bad ... you can’t! the moment you say something bad, your smile fades and the frown takes its place.

The same thing happens with the massage, because a relaxed and balanced body cannot generate and feed negative thoughts. Negative thoughts bring a state of alert in the body and they can only be expressed through strain.

So a calm, relaxed and balanced person will have a positive attitude and will drive a positive impact on his environment (family, friends, colleagues, ..., animals, plants, ... institutions, values, ...) and will inspire those who make contact with him to have a positive, creative attitude ... to be a better version of their own person.

And so by propagating a better version of each one of us, to create a better world...


...This is My Dream ... This is MY WHY!

Thank you for taking the time to read these lines and I cannot wait to meet you

My Journey: About
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